
Since 2014 we have been organizing concerts and other events in the Rittergut Orr. An unique ambience offers to artists the right forum for their performances. In the Friedrich Zwirner Hall with its excellent acoustics, you can experienc music from a wide variety of musical cultures. The salon invites you to wonderful literary afternoons with fireplace. You are welcome to participate.

In addition, we are performing other events at other cultural sites in the Rhineland. We are also happy to support you in planning, preparing and implementing your event with our cultural management.

African Vocals · A capella from Namibia

Location: Livestream

Due to the current situation, the tour of the African Vocals will be postponed until 2021.
For that reason a live concert from Namibia was broadcasted on Youtube on 24th May. They convey authentic Namibian culture, music and traditions full of African joie de vivre and spirituality to the whole world. Click here to go directly to the crowdfunding project.


African Vocals

African Vocals announce a Lifestream Concert from Namibia

During and after the tour of Germany in 2019, there was so much enthusiasm the audience was so enthusiastic and gave encouragement for an early next tour that the short-term decision was made not to return to Germany as originally planned, but already this year.
Due to the pandemic-related cancellation of the tour, the group will now not be able to come to Germany until 2021, when international travel is again possible without major restrictions. Until then, however, the African Vocals want to maintain contact with their fans and friends and are planning a livestream concert for the 24.5.2020, 6 pm. Spectators can look forward to some new songs, which were supposed to be presented on the cancelled Tour of Germany.
The band now consists of 15 singers between the ages of 22 and 30, eight of them will take part in the Tour of Germany. The singers have discovered their passion and talent for music in school, church and youth choirs, and in 2012 the "African Vocals" were founded as a male a cappella band. Their dream is to one day be able to live off their music, but at the moment they still need jobs besides their music. Unfortunately, almost all singers have now lost these jobs due to the Covid19 situation. That's why we're calling on the audience to hold a fundraiser. The following link provides Regine Hink, the manager of African Vocals, with a detailed description of the project on video:

The group sees itself as an ambassador for authentic Namibian culture, music and traditions, and wants to convey a positive and hopeful image of Africa with its music full of African joie de vivre and spirituality. They sing about their love for Namibia, the beauty of nature, love and everyday life. Whether rhythmic-dynamic, gentle-emotional or spiritual - every song expresses deep emotions. Wonderful voices, a little percussion and the appropriate choreography, as well as the interaction of the artists with the audience, make a concert of the African Vocals unforgettable.
The band members are mostly from Mondesa, the township in Swakopmund, and their experiences with poverty and deprivation in a township motivate them to a further concern in addition to their musical message. They want to be a role model for children and young people from a similarly difficult and disadvantaged background by giving them hope, inspiration and encouragement to have a dream and to work hard for it. To this end, they are involved in social projects in Mondesa and always donate a part of their touring income to them.
In addition, the group has recently started a children's choir project for children in the informal township DRC in Swakopmund, info can be found here: DRC Children Choir
By clicking on the following picture you will be able to get to the announcement of the online concert and the fundraiser:

African Vocals

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